"A Global Survey on Nanotechnology Products and Applications", StatNano Presented in ISO/TC 229


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The result of a global survey on nanotechnology products was presented in Workgroup 5 (WG5) of Nanotechnology Standardization Committee (ISO/TC 229), held in Seoul in November 2017

WG5 is one of the workgroups of TC 229 Committee, which focuses on the standardization of nanotechnology products and applications. The newly-established workgroup is currently defining its scopes and priorities based on indicators such as the number of nanotechnology products and their market volume, number of active companies, type of products, and nanotechnology applications in various industries. Therefore, the result of this international monitoring could help the workgroup to determine the priorities in a better and more precise manner. Headlines and scopes analyzed in this monitoring are as follows:
- Introducing the project, objectives, and users;
- Methodology and standards used in the project;
- Nanotechnology products commercialization status in various countries;
- Number of nanotechnology products and companies active in various industries;
- Most commonly used nanomaterials in nanotechnology products;
- Applications mostly used in nanotechnology products;
- Various applications of nanotechnology products;
- National and international certificates and licenses acquired by the products;
The speech was made in the presence of the members of WG5 (nanoproducts and applications), and it was warmly welcomed. It was decided that according to the report, applications and properties with highest number of nanotechnology products should be considered priorities in the workgroup. 
Click here to download the presentation file.