Search Result - #sensor or "sensor"

  • New infrared #metasurface-based #sensors augmented with #AI, can be used to analyze biological assays featuring multiple analytes simultaneously from the major biomolecule classes and resolving their dynamic interactions.


  • Newly developed #graphene_oxide based #sensor platform can rapidly detect sepsis or the antibodies against the #coronavirus, also open the door to further applications including the detection of harmful gases such as carbon monoxide at room temperature.


  •  Intelligent #sensor labels in #packaging have attractive applications in #food_industry such as indicating the ripeness of fruit.


  • Stronger and more flexible than graphene, #Borophene - a single-atom layer of boron - could revolutionize #sensors, #batteries, and catalytic chemistry.


  • Nanotechnology and #IoT are beginning to touch almost every area of industry. #Microchip powered #sensor technology has the potential to power IoT devices.


  • #Composite, #sensors, #batteries, #medicine and #automotive were 2018's top 5 #graphene applications, respectively.


  • #Graphosite, a project started on August 2018, aims to develop a graphene #sensor for defect detection and predictive maintenance in composite materials, as a highly efficient composite monitoring tool.


  • Researchers have developed wearable #garphene based #sensors for plants, enabling measurement of the time it takes to move water from their roots to their leaves.


  • Nanotechnology-based #sensors have the largest share among all nanotechnology product types.
