Nanotechnologies - Guidance for the responsible development of nanotechnologies

Nanotechnologies - Guidance for the responsible development of nanotechnologies

Standard Number ČSN P CEN/TS 16937:2016
Organization Czech Standardization Agency Czech Republic
Level National
Category Guide | Practice
  • NOV 2016 Published

ČSN P CEN/TS 16937 This Technical Specification provides a guidance for the responsible development of nanotechnologies taking into account: - Board Accountability; - Stakeholder Involvement; - Worker Health and Safety; - Benefits to and Risks for Public Health, Safety and the Environment; - Wider Social and Ethical Implications and Impacts; - Engagement with Business Partners; - Transparency and Disclosure. NOTE 1: This Technical Specification contributes to social responsibility as defined in ISO 26000:2010. NOTE 2: Nanotechnology activities include industrial production, R&D, services, and marketing of products.