Nanomaterials. Silver nanosuspension. General technical requirements and test methods

Nanomaterials. Silver nanosuspension. General technical requirements and test methods

Standard Number GOST 34683-2020
Organization Federal Agency on Technical Regulating and Metrology Russia
Level National
Category Test Method | Characterization | Measurement
  • SEP 2021 Published
  • NOV 2021 Revised
This standard applies to silver nanosuspensions used as disinfecting additives in the manufacture of disinfectants, perfumery and cosmetic products, paints and varnishes, construction and textile materials, polymer products, electronic equipment and optics, medical products, pharmaceutical products, biologically active additives. This International Standard specifies general specifications for silver nanosuspensions and test methods. Silver nanosuspension is a raw material for industrial processing. Methods for using nanosuspensions should be established in regulatory documents and technical documentation for the corresponding types of products.