Nanotechnologies - Guidance for the responsible development of nanotechnologies

Nanotechnologies - Guidance for the responsible development of nanotechnologies

Standard Number NVN-CEN/TS 16937:2016 en
Organization Netherlands Standardization Institute Netherlands
Level National
Category Specification
  • JUN 2016 Published
NVN-CEN/TS 16937 provides a guidance for the responsible development of nanotechnologies taking into account: - Board Accountability; - Stakeholder Involvement; - Worker Health and Safety; - Benefits to and Risks for Public Health, Safety and the Environment; - Wider Social and Ethical Implications and Impacts; - Engagement with Business Partners; - Transparency and Disclosure. This Technical Specification neither covers labelling and advertising aspects nor is it intended for certification purposes, nor does it imply any legally binding agreements. This Technical Specification intends to cover nanotechnology activities involving manufactured nanomaterials, and where relevant incidental nanomaterials.