Standard Number | TS EN IEC 60404-7: 2020 |
Organization | Turkish Standards Institution |
Level | National |
Category | Test Method | Characterization | Measurement |
Status |
This part of IEC 60404 specifies a method of measurement of the coercivity of magnetic materials in an open magnetic circuit. This document is applicable to all magnetic materials with coercivities from 0,2 A/m to 160 kA/m. NOTE Examples of magnetic materials covered by this document are amorphous alloys, nanocrystalline alloys, all softmagnetic crystalline materials (e.g. Fe, FeSi-, CoFe- and FeNi-alloys), soft ferrites, hard metals, semi-hard magnetic alloys (e.g. FeCoTiAl-, FeCoV-, FeCrCo- and AlNiCo-alloys) [1]1. Special precautions are to be taken in measuring coercivities below 40 A/m, in materials with high conductivity and in test specimens which have a shape different from ellipsoids (see Annex A).