Genostep and Graphene Cement Battery Collaboration

Since 2017 Green Graphene has developed renewable energy systems for the harvesting of biomechanical activity of human footsteps. In our efforts to strive for production of green energy and after years of Research and Development of our footpath generator we’ve found an energy storage system suitable for the energy production from our generator (Genostep).

Green Graphene is collaborating with the brilliant Dr Emma Zhang in use of Graphene cement battery for the energy storage for the energy produced by the Genostep (Green Graphene’s patent pending magnetically levitated triboelectric graphene-enhanced footpath generator made primarily from renewable/recyclable materials).

It’s a perfect combination for energy sustainability with the prevalent human activity being harvested, translated into electricity, and immediately stored into a convenient storage area, in addition since the main conductors of energy in both the Genostep and Graphene cement battery is Graphene it will allow for the maximum energy efficiency by universal law in the harvesting of footsteps and conducting the energy to storage.

With this collaboration the ability to power facilities will be easier since the source of generation and storage are a part of the infrastructure, this will reduce grid stress, power outages, and save money from transmission loss caused from power plants (nuclear, wind, solar) being at long distances.

By using the combination of the Genostep and Graphene cement battery in sidewalks, train stations, airports, schools, businesses, and box stores the Genostep and Graphene cement battery will allow for a direct energy source keeping facilities powered, reducing power anxiety compounded with the reduction in waste aiding the circular economy, reduce deforestation and environmental impact from nuclear, solar, wind, and hydroelectric. With ever prevalent need to reduce carbon emissions but improve the quality of life the Genostep combined with the Graphene cement battery will participate in its role of providing no-emissions energy.

Read the original article on EIN News.