Recapping 2020’s Top Nanotechnologies for Life: Transforming the Production of Carbon Nanotubes Using Carbon Dioxide

Lately discovered CNTs production method presents affordable and eco-friendly aspects leading to the probable substitution of conventional uneconomical production procedures according to its less energy usage and environmental CO2 requirement.

Carbon nanotubes (CNTs) as the controversial engineered materials family member and well-known to be the strongest and stiffest material yet discovered with the highest tensile strength and elastic modulus (up to 100 times higher than steel strength at 1/6 of its weight) has been mostly synthesized through uneconomical costly methods limiting more CNTs functional usage.

To overcome this restriction, a new and cost-effective electrochemical procedure has been recently designed and examined by Vanderbilt University researchers, in collaboration with SkyNano LLC, to be energy-saving and additionally a utilizer for environmental CO2, as a direct input, that can be permanently transformed it into the valuable solid form of carbon or mentioned carbon nanotube structures.

Such a novel patent-pending technology employs ambient CO2 captured in molten lithiated carbonates leading to the production of carbon nanotubes at high yield through electrolysis using inexpensive steel electrodes. These low-cost CO2-derived CNTs are demonstrated as high-performance energy storage materials in both lithium-ion and sodium-ion batteries.

Recently, SkyNano LLC was honored with the “Crowd Favorite” award at a pitch competition held at the fifth annual ‎“Startup Day” at the Bijou Theatre in Downtown Knoxville, and their breakthrough was listed in the 2020’s R&D 100 Awards respective category.

Given description clarifies an advanced nano-based CNTs preparation method and its attractive features for better decision-making in StatNano’s recent discussing survey on the most effective nanotechnology event in quality life in the following link:



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Transforming the Production of Carbon Nanotubes Using Carbon Dioxide