Montesinos’ intention is to start up the first Graphenglass plant after this summer with a production capacity of around 15,000 poles and a modular capacity to be able to grow as the demand for these materials develops.
The company’s objective is to contribute to the replacement of thousands of telecommunications and electrical poles with a solution that has properties such as lower weight and greater resistance, which facilitates their installation and durability.
Graphenglass participates in the Industry 4.0 Chair of the Universitat Jaume I.
During Covid-19 it was one of the companies that contributed altruistically to improve the situation of patients by creating a circuit divider device, printed in 3D technology, usable for multiple lung ventilation for patients with Covid-19 and with a design for causing the minimum pressure drops of the circulating air.
The European Union has defined three main lines of research (FET Flagships) for European leadership in cutting-edge high-impact technologies, initiatives that over a period of 10 years mobilize hundreds of researchers throughout Europe with a total support of around 1,000 million of euros. One of these lines is the Graphene Flagship, which aims to bring graphene and related two-dimensional materials from academic laboratories to European society.
The Graphenglass proposal is part of this line, in addition to helping to reduce the presence of a highly polluting material such as creosote. Endesa, in fact, is preparing an ambitious plan to modernize its electricity distribution network. The company will invest 1,000 million euros in the replacement of 120,000 wooden posts contaminated with creosote by others made of polyester reinforced by fiberglass in the areas where it operates: Andalusia, Catalonia, Aragon, Extremadura, Castilla y León, Canarias and las Balearic Islands.
Montesinos is also the CEO of Globae, the family office of the former owners of Esmalglass and chairman of the board of Soluciones 480, a company dedicated to the design, development and implementation of cloud solutions (standard, proprietary and cybersecurity) aimed at improving the performance and results of organizations.
Read the original article on The News 24.