18th International Conference on Materials Research and Technology

18th International Conference on Materials Research and Technology

Location Japan Japan - Osaka
Start Date Jun 22, 2020
End Date Jun 23, 2020
Event Type Conference
Subject Area Nanoscience - Nanotechnology Nanomaterials


“18th International Conference on Materials Research and Technology" will take place in June 22-23, 2020. Osaka, Japan   Materials Technology 2020 provides the basic ideas for innovating new sustainability materials and technologies. The theme of “Materials research and engineering is proliferating the limitations of materials”. Material research area covers a wide range of growing markets, such as engineering resins, plastic alloys and blends, advanced batteries and fuel cells, and soon. The technological curriculum of Materials research 2020 is unprecedented, discussing structure, properties, storage and quality across the population of materials. Materials Technology 2020 brings together researchers, engineers, students, suppliers and business leaders to discuss current research and technical developments and shape the future of science and technology in materials.


 - Materials Science and Metallurgy
 - Advanced Materials
 - Nano Technology
 - Material Synthesis and Characterization
 - Optical, Magnetic and Electronic Materials
 - Nanotechnology
 - Piezoelectric Materials and 3-D Printing
 - Materials in Healthcare
 - Market Demand and Future
 - Ceramics and Textiles Industries
 - Polymer Science and Engineering
 - Sustainable Energy and Development