International Conference on Advanced Microbiology and Research

Start Date Sep 19, 2018
End Date Sep 20, 2018
Event Type Conference
Subject Area Nanobiotechnology Others


Advanced Microbiology 2018 has been designed in an interdisciplinary manner with a multitude of tracks to choose from every segment and provides you with a unique opportunity to meet up with peers from both industry and academia and establish a scientific network between them.




 - Petroleum Microbiology
 - Nanotechnology and Microbiology
 - Exo Microbiology
 - Microbes in Nosocomial Infections
 - Impedance Microbiology
 - Marine Microbiology
 - Veterinary Microbiology
 - Aero Microbiology
 - Medical Microbiology
 - Cells Response Towards Microbiology
 - Microbes in Health and Disease
 - Soil Microbiology
 - Scope of Industrial Microbiology
 - Food Microbiology
 - Bio film and its Prevention
 - General Microbiology
 - Microbes relation with Agriculture
 - Pharmaceutical Microbiology