5th World Congress on Microbial Biotechnology

Start Date Sep 17, 2018
End Date Sep 18, 2018
Event Type Congress
Subject Area Nanobiotechnology Others


Microbial Biotechology 2018 conference will focus on the recent trends and innovations in microbial biotechnology. This conference host presentations from experts across the world in the field of microbiology and biotechnology.


 - Microbial Biotechnology
 - Microbial Genetics
 - Industrial Microbiology
 - Microbial Insecticides
 - Microbial Biofilms
 - Protein Engineering and Enzymology
 - Fermentation Technology
 - Microbial Nanotechnology
 - Strain Improvement
 - Advancement in Medical Microbiology
 - Pharmaceutical Microbiology
 - Plant Biotechnology
 - Biosafety and Bio security
 - Bioinformatics
 - Agricultural Microbiology
 - Environmental Biotechnology
 - Biolaw
 - Therapeutic Protein
 - Marine Microbiology
 - Food Microbiology