13th annual event of the European Technology Platform on Nanomedicine
ETPN2018 is the unique place to discover, to network, to showcase, to design new projects, to brainstorm about the industrial expansion of Nanomedicine, all in a relaxed and friendly atmosphere. Most importantly, the ETPN has started a great evolution to interface Nanotechnologies with other emerging medical technologies, notably through the coordination of NOBEL, in preparation of ESTHER. Therefore, we want to make ETPN2018 a great opportunity to be part of that convergence for smarter HealtTech in Europe!
- Clinical nanomedicine & implications in clinical practice
- Strategic vision for the future of Healthcare in Europe
- Disruptive medical technologies: who will pay the bill?
- Translation of best HealthTech innovations to the market
- Funding opportunities / Brokerage
- Current European Projects in Nanomedicine
- Pitch me up sessions! Selected talks
- Electronic poster exhibition