2019 9th International Conference on Bioscience, Biochemistry and Bioinformatics (ICBBB 2019)

2019 9th International Conference on Bioscience, Biochemistry and Bioinformatics (ICBBB 2019)
Start Date Jan 7, 2019
End Date Jan 9, 2019
Event Type Conference
Subject Area Nanobiotechnology Nanomedicine - Pharmaceutics Computational - Simulation - Modeling Others


ICBBB conference series held annually to provide an interactive forum for presentation and discussion on Bioscience, Biochemistry and Bioinformatics. The conference welcomes participants from all over the world who are interested in developing professional ties to and/or exploring career opportunities in the region. The conference should serve as an ideal forum to establish relationships from within Japan and other regions of the world.



 - Bio-molecular & Phylogenetic Databases
 - Query Languages, Interoperability, Bio-Ontology and Data Mining
 - Genes and their Regulation
 - Sequence Search and Alignment
 - Protein Structure Prediction and Molecular Simulation
 - Molecular Evolution and Phylogeny
 - Functional Genomics, Proteomics
 - Drug Discovery
 - Gene Expression Analysis
 - Data Visualization
 - Systems Biology
 - Algorithms, Modeling and Simulation of Bio-Sets
 - Biomarkers of Toxicity
 - Bio-Imaging
 - Signaling and Computation

   Bioscience Engineering
 - Biological Systems and Models
 - Engineering Models in Bio-Medicine
 - Computer Assisted Intervention Systems
 - Medical Robotics
 - Nano-Medicine
 - Nano-Mechanisms for Molecular Systems
 - Nano-Bio-Computing
 - Biomedical & Biological Sensors
 - Cell Engineering
 - Molecular and Cellular Systems
 - Body's and Cell's Bio-signatures
 - Tissue Engineering
 - Neuro-Engineering
 - Biomedical Image Processing & Analysis
 - Microarray Technologies
 - Biomedical Data Engineering
 - Biomaterials
 - Bioengineering Applications for people with disabilities and the elderly

   Biomedicine Engineering
 - Bioinformatics of Diseases 
 - Biomedical Text Mining and Ontologies 
 - Biological Data Mining and Visualization 
 - Biomedical Intelligence & Clinical Data Analysis 
 - BioMedical Signal/Image Analysis 
 - Comparative Genomics 
 - Computational Modeling & Data Integration 
 - Computational Systems Biology 
 - Gene Regulation and Transcriptomics 
 - Massively Parallel Sequencing & Applications 
 - Microarray Data Analysis 
 - New Emerging Areas 
 - Protein Structure, function, and interactions 
 - Sequence Analysis, Evolution and Phylogeny 
 - Translational Genomics in Engineering

   Biochemistry and Molecular Biology of Plants 
 - Biodiversity conservation
 - Bio-drug discovery
 - Bioenergy
 - Bioenvironmental Engineering
 - Marine biochemicals
 - Marine biosecurity and biodefense
 - Microbial Technology
 - Molecular Biosciences
 - Molecular Medicine
 - Molecular Microbiology and its applications 
 - Nanobiotechnology
 - Nonthermal processing for improving food safety
 - Plant Biotechnology
 - Produce disinfection and antimicrobials
 - Protein engineering
 - Proteins and peptides: Bioinformatics, Structure and Function 
 - Stress Physiology & Molecular Biology
 - Toxicology and safety evaluation