Swiss NanoConvention 2018

Start Date Jun 6, 2018
End Date Jun 7, 2018
Event Type StartUp Challenge
Subject Area Nanoscience - Nanotechnology Nano Optics - Nanophotonics Biology - Life science


At the Swiss NanoConvention 2018, we are launching for the first time a friendly competition between start‐ups in Nanotechnology that were founded between 2013‐2017. You can present your start‐up in front of the SNC audience in a dedicated session. The winner will receive the nanotech start‐up prize of SFR. 10‘000.‐ sponsored by the Swiss Nano‐ and Microtechnology Network (Swiss MNT).


 - Design of New Materials
 - Nano-Fabrication & Nano-Devices
 - Bioinspired Materials / Nanomaterials and Techniques for Bioimaging
 - Advanced Analytics
 - Nano-Optics
 - Nanoparticles in Plants
 - Nanotech Start-ups
 - Innosuisse