EuroSciCon Conference on Physics

Start Date Mar 14, 2019
End Date Mar 15, 2019
Event Type Conference
Subject Area Nanophysics


Physics is the branch of science manages the nature and properties of issue and vitality. material science incorporates mechanics, warmth, light and other radiation, sound, power, attraction, and the structure of particles. The motivation of the gathering is ebb and flow points with intriguing Sessions, Symposia, Workshops, and Plenary talks, Keynote Presentations, Young Researchers Forum and Poster Sessions.


 - Applied Physics
 - Atomic, Molecular & Optical Physics
 - Classical & Modern Physics
 - Condensed Matter Physics
 - High Energy Nuclear Physics
 - Materials Physics
 - Quantum Science & Technology
 - Astro-Particle Physics & Cosmology
 - Nanophysics and Nanotechnology
 - Plasma Science
 - Electromagnetism and Electronics
 - Gravitation
 - Work, Energy and Power
 - Forces and Motion
 - String theory
 - Particle physics
 - Mathematical physics
 - Thermodynamics
 - Fluid mechanics
 - Medical physics
 - Biophysics
 - Atmospheric optics
 - Mass spectrometry
 - Geophysics
 - Astronomy
 - Lightening
 - Dark Matter
 - Radar Technologies
 - Artificial intelligence
 - Super Symmetry