Advancing Adverse Outcome Pathway (AOP) Development for Nanomaterial Risk Assessment

Start Date Sep 11, 2019
End Date Sep 12, 2019
Event Type Workshop & Summer School
Subject Area Safety - Social issues Environment Others


This workshop will bring together AOP and manufactured nanomaterials (MN[NG-N1] ) research, regulation and policy experts to discuss the use of Adverse Outcome Pathway (AOP) frameworks to support future NM risk assessment. It will include presentations and discussions on three related projects:

 - The OECD WPMN NanoAOP project aiming to develop an approach to advance the future development of AOPs for NMs using existing nanotoxicology literature;
 - The EU H2020 SmartNanoTox project, using in vivo, in vitro and in silico research to develop MN-relevant AOPs in the respiratory pathway; and
 - The EU H2020 PATROLS project, developing non-animal (in vitro) models and computational tools targeting the key events in established AOPs.