3rd International conference on Biotechnology and Genetic Engineering

Start Date Aug 28, 2020
End Date Aug 29, 2020
Event Type Conference
Subject Area Nanobiotechnology


Biotechnology 2020 conference will focus on the latest and exciting innovations in all areas of Biotech research which offers a unique opportunity for the participants across the globe to meet, network, and perceive new scientific innovations.


 - Biotechnology
 - Stem cell biotechnology and regenerative medicine
 - Industrial and Microbial Biotechnology
 - Nano Biotechnology
 - Agricultural and Forest Biotechnology
 - Food and Feed Biotechnology
 - Marine and Aquaculture Biotechnology
 - Animal Biotechnology
 - Genetics and Molecular biotechnology
 - Environmental Biotechnology
 - Pharmaceutical Biotechnology and Drug Design
 - Biomedical Engineering & Applications
 - Soil Fertility and Soil Regeneration
 - Biofuels & Bioenergy
 - Bioremediation and Biodegradation
 - Medical Biotechnology
 - Biomaterials
 - Applications of Biotechnology in Waste Management
 - Bioinformatics & Computational Biology
 - Biosensors
 - Biosimilars
 - Enzyme and Protein Engineering
 - Bio-Safety and Bioethics