International Forum on Nanotechnology Economy (IFNE2013)

Start Date Oct 2, 2013
End Date Oct 3, 2013


INIC, since 2012, has planned to set up a series of international follow-up events focusing on commercialization and economic issues of Nanotechnologies to be held annually in Tehran along with Iran Nano Festival. The first international Nano Forum (INF 2012) took place on October 6-7thin parallel with Iran 5th international Nano Festival and focused on "Industry and Marketing" with the aim of promotion of nanotechnology commercialization. Following the successful event of INF 2012, now the"International Forum on Nanotechnology Economy (IFNE 2013)"is arranged for 2-3 Oct. 2013. The Forum will address various aspects of Nanotechnology business, commercialization, funding, managements, etc.During the two days of this event which will run along with Iran 6thInternational Nanotechnology Festival (5-9 Oct. 2013) leading nanotechnology experts, scientists, researchers, entrepreneurs and VC investors from various countries present their views on the challenges facing nanotechnology business and economy. Participants would have the possibility to share their latest achievements and experiences on nanotechnology related issues.Apart from invited talks to be delivered by well- known international experts, the event will run as open discussion panels for more integration between attendants. Topics are selected based on the needs and challenges which countries are facing in the field of nanotechnology economy.