Call for funding to research COVID-19 following the outbreak of SARs-CoV-2

Start Date Mar 3, 2020
End Date May 11, 2020
Event Type Grant & Award
Subject Area Nanomedicine - Pharmaceutics Biology - Life science


Due to the current outbreak of the Sars-CoV-2 corona virus, the Federal Ministry of Education and Research is opening module 3 (Rapid Response) of the funding announcement guideline to promote a "National Research Network on Zoonotic Infectious Diseases"; Federal Gazette dated February 15, 2016.

Object of funding:

Individual projects and, in justified exceptions, small research associations (with up to three partners at different institutions) are supported, which are based on WHO's priority setting ( world-experts-and-funders-set-priorities-for-covid-19-research) and address the following points:

- the biology of the virus and its transmission;
- Animal and environmental research on the origin of the virus, including control measures at the human-animal interface;
- epidemiological studies;
- clinical characterization and clinical management of the diseases caused by the virus;
- infection prevention and control, including the best ways to protect healthcare workers;
- Research and development of medicines and other therapeutic procedures as well as the development of new diagnostic approaches (research on vaccine development and market-oriented diagnostics development are not the subject of the funding);
- Accompanying research and ELSA research in connection with the outbreak.