8th International e-congress on Nanoscience & Nanotechnology

Start Date Feb 17, 2021
End Date Feb 18, 2021
Event Type Webinar
Subject Area Nanoscience - Nanotechnology Nanomedicine - Pharmaceutics Computational - Simulation - Modeling Nanophysics


The 8th INTERNATIONAL E-CONGRESS on Nanoscience & Nanotechnology (ICNN2021) exists around the theme of "Most innovative and cutting-edge developments in Nanotechnology; Nanotechnology Breakthroughs”. The goal of ICNN2021 is to become the leading conference in fields related to nanotechnology and to bring together a broad spectrum of disciplines including medical, life sciences, healthcare, engineering and social sciences covering recent advances in Nanotechnology.


 - Nanomedicine
 - Nanobiotechnology
 - Nanochemistry
 - Nanophysics
 - Nanoelectro mechanical systems  (NEMS)
 - Converging Science &Technology (NBIC)
 - Entrepreneurial & Commercialization 
 - Nanosafety Considerations& Regulations
 - Nanostructure fabrication & characterization
 - Nanocomputation & Modeling