
Location UK - Online
Start Date Jun 21, 2021
End Date Jun 25, 2021
Event Type Workshop & Summer School
Subject Area Nanoscience - Nanotechnology Nanomaterials Advanced materials


Thomas Young Centre International Workshop on Charge Transport and Excited State Processes in Organic Materials

The scope of this workshop in the area of organic materials for electronic applications is to bring together theorists and computational and experimental scientists working on approaches across different length scales (from molecular to device-level) towards the understanding of phenomena and mechanisms inherent to the function of organic semiconducting materials. Our aim is to provide a comprehensive overview of current state-of-the-art advances on this research field, covering pertinent issues such as electronic structure methods for excited states calculations, charge transport mechanisms in bulk and nanostructured interfacial systems, energy conversion through light harvesting, and light generation via recombination processes.




- Charge transport in organic materials
- Exciton transport, dissociation, and recombination in organic materials
- Recent advances in excited state calculations
- Multi-scale modelling of organic materials