Virology World Conference

Start Date Jan 17, 2022
End Date Jan 17, 2022
Event Type Conference
Subject Area Cosmetics - Health care Nanomedicine - Pharmaceutics Nanomaterials Nanoscience - Nanotechnology


Magnus Group is overwhelmed to invite you to its “Virology World Conference” slated on June 17-18, 2022 in Hybrid Format.

The two-day scientific gathering will be jam packed with plenary talks, keynote sessions, oral and poster presentations with a strong emphasis on advancements during the pandemic, including insights into all facets of virology, including virosphere, viral infection mechanisms, virus-host interactions, virus immunology, and vaccine and antiviral updates.

World-renowned experts, distinguished speakers, researchers, scientists, virologists, microbiologists, vaccinologists, immunologists, healthcare professionals, public health experts, clinicians, pharma companies and scholars will be able to gather and share their experiences on the COVID-19 pandemic and other viruses’ impact on public health, commerce, and civic discourse at VIROLOGY 2022. This global consortium provides a phenomenal opportunity for all stakeholders to collaborate and form professional bonds that will enhance both their network and research goals.

We hope this dynamic exposition will help in discovering new avenues in research that will lead to a better, healthier, merrier world.




- General Virology
- Emerging Infectious Diseases
- RNA Viruses
- Insect Viruses
- Prokaryotic Viruses
- Viral Respiratory Diseases
- Pediatric and Neonatal Viral Infections
- Virus-Cell Interactions and Cellular Responses
- Virus Morphology, Genetics, Replication
- Regulation of Viral Gene Expression
- Transformation and Oncogenesis
- Molecular and Cellular Virology
- Emerging and Reemerging Viruses
- Co-Transmission of Multiple Viral Genomes
- Prions
- Ebola, Marburg and Zika Viruses
- Neuro Virology
- Clinical and Diagnostic Virology
- Cancer Vaccines
- Clinical Cases and Trials
- Vaccines Safety and Efficacy
- Medical Virology and Parasitology
- Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19)
- DNA Viruses
- Phylogenetic or Epidemiologic Studies
- Bacterial and Fungal Virology
- Plant and Animal Viruses
- Zoonotic Viral Disease
- Viral Pathogenesis and Immunity
- Viral Sequencing
- Viral Genetic Diversity and Evolution
- Virus as Gene Therapy Vectors
- Virus Host Biology
- Viral Diversification in Host/Host Populations
- Virus Proteomics
- Vaccines and Antiviral Agents
- SARS-Cov-2 Diagnosis, Treatment and Vaccine
- HIV and STDs
- Viral Disease Outbreaks
- Advances in Virology Research
- Pandemic Preparedness