Life-on-Chip Conference

Start Date Feb 9, 2022
End Date Jan 10, 2022
Event Type Conference
Subject Area Nanomedicine - Pharmaceutics Nanoscience - Nanotechnology Cosmetics - Health care


Curious to learn more about the latest cross-over innovations? Then you certainly have to attend our 4th ‘Life-on-Chip Conference - Initiating Convergence in Health Technologies’ organised by Smart Hub Flemish Brabant and flanders.healthTech (through its founding partners, DSP Valley and MedTech Flanders), BioWin, imec, Antleron, VIB and EIT Health.




- Health and life sciences
- Personalized medicine

- Micro- and nanotechnology
- Artificial intelligence
- Design thinking
- Robotics
- Novel manufacturing technologies
- Big data