22nd edition of the Trends in Nanotechnology International Conference (TNT2022)

Start Date Oct 3, 2022
End Date Oct 7, 2022
Event Type Conference
Subject Area Nanomedicine - Pharmaceutics Nanoscience - Nanotechnology Nano Optics - Nanophotonics New energy - Renewable energy Nanochemistry Nanoelectronics


The 22nd edition of the Trends in Nanotechnology International Conference (TNT2022) is being launched following the overwhelming success of earlier Nanotechnology Conferences. TNT2022 will take place in Tirana (Albania) for the 2nd year in a row in particular to launch a new conference series denominated nanoBalkan.
This high-level scientific meeting TNT series aims to present a broad range of current research in Nanoscience and Nanotechnology as well as related policies or other kind of initiatives such as nanoAlb. TNT events have demonstrated that they are particularly effective in transmitting information and establishing contacts among workers in this field.
The TNT2022 structure will keep the fundamental features of the previous editions, providing a unique opportunity for broad interaction.
On the occasion of TNT2022 several specific sessions on hot topics will be organised: "Graphene and 2DM" one-day Symposium, Meet Editors of Biosensors and Bioelectronics journal, Future projects/Networking, etc.




- Atoms and Molecular Computing
- High spatial resolution spectroscopies under SPM probe
- Graphene & 2DM / Carbon nanotubes
- Low dimensional materials (nanowires, clusters, quantum dots, etc.)
- Nanobiotechnologies & Nanomedicine
- NanoChemistry
- Nanofabrication tools & nanoscale integration
- Nanomagnetism and Spintronics
- Nanomaterials for Energy
- NanoOptics / NanoPhotonics / Plasmonics / Nanophononics
- Nanosensors
- Nanostructured and nanoparticle based materials
- Nanotechnologies for Security & Defense
- Risks-toxicity-regulations
- Theory and modelling at the nanoscale
- Topological Insulators