8th International Conference on Catalysis and Chemical Engineering
8th International Conference on Catalysis and Chemical Engineering scheduled at Boston, MA during February 26-28, 2024, is committed to identify current trends, opportunities, and threats to the vitality and success of the chemical industry.
- Catalytic Materials & Mechanisms
- Catalysis for Chemical Synthesis
- Catalysis and Energy
- Physical Chemistry
- Catalysis in oil and gas
- Nanocatalysis
- Material Sciences
- Electrocatalysis
- Environmental Catalysis
- Chemical Kinetics
- Reaction Engineering
- Surface and Colloidal Phenomena
- Enzymes and Biocatalysts
- Photocatalysis
- Nanochemistry
- Polymer Engineering
- Fluid dynamics & its Phenomena
- Simulation & Modeling
- Catalysis for Renewable Sources
- Organometallics Chemistry
- Catalysis and Zeolites
- Industrial Catalysis
- Catalysis and Pyrolysis
- Quantum Chemistry