Water at interfaces Faraday Discussion

Water at interfaces Faraday Discussion
Location UK UK - London
Start Date Sep 20, 2023
End Date Sep 22, 2023
Event Type Seminar
Subject Area Nanoscience - Nanotechnology Nanomaterials Advanced materials Cosmetics - Health care Environment


There are major water-related challenges that require enhanced molecular-level understanding and description of water at interfaces, to relate that understanding to macroscopic phenomena in aqueous systems, and then ultimately utilize or control those phenomena. Interfacial water is crucial for disciplines as diverse as atmospheric science, geochemistry, energy science, water purification/desalination, and biology.

This Faraday Discussion aims to combine different approaches, both experimental and theoretical, to further our understanding of the fundamental properties of water at interfaces. Such insights are expected to have important implications for chemistry, biology and potentially medicine; key sustainable technologies such as filtration, desalination, and photocatalytic water splitting; as well as modelling of processes in atmospheric chemistry and physics.




- Dynamics and Nano-Rheology of Interfacial Water

- Electrified / Charged Aqueous Interfaces

- Ice Interfaces

- Soft Matter-Water Interface


Royal Society of Chemistry