2nd International Conference on Nanotechnologies &; Bionanoscience (NANOBIO 2023)

2nd International Conference on Nanotechnologies &; Bionanoscience (NANOBIO 2023)
Start Date Sep 11, 2023
End Date Sep 15, 2023
Event Type Conference
Subject Area Nanoscience - Nanotechnology Nanomedicine - Pharmaceutics Nanoelectronics Nanobiotechnology Nano Optics - Nanophotonics Nanomaterials


The aim is to provide an interdisciplinary forum for scientists and engineers from academia and industry around the world, to discuss on the forefront of research and to address the emerging fields of Nanotechnologies and Nanosciences. The conference will focus on nano(bio)materials synthesis, innovative solar cells, nano(bio)photonics, optoelectronics, nano(bio)electronics tissue engineering, nanomedicine and safety of nanomaterials.




- Nanomaterials and Nanomedicine

- Organic and Perovskite Photovoltaics

- Tissue Engineering & Regenerative Medicine

- Emerging Printed Electronics and Bioelectronics

- Nanophotonics & Biophotonics

- 2D materials and Devices


Royal Society of Chemistry