International Conference on Composites/Nanoengineering (ICCE-23)

Start Date Jul 12, 2015
End Date Jul 18, 2015


The ICCE conference will provide a forum for the exchange of information and ideas in virtually all areas composite materials research. The goals of the ICCE conference are:
1. The conference aims to solve or partially SOLVE CRITICAL UNRESOLVED ISSUES of our everyday lives.  The methodologies involve the three pillars in Composites or Nano engineering, namely, Mechanics, Manufacturing and Materials, in all length-scales.   
2. The ICCE emphasizes the "D.I.M.” approaches to science and engineering (DURABILITY approach to structures, INTERDISCIPLINARY  approach to science, and MULTIFUNCTIONAL approach to  materials).  Thus, you will find many chemists and engineers in this conference, a pleasant situation since these two groups  traditionally tend to attend separate conferences. The ICCE conference aims to bridge the gaps between aerospace technology, bio-materials, chemistry, electronics, energy, fluid mechanics, infrastructures, magnetic materials, metallurgy, nanotechnology, pharmacy, physics, powder metallurgy, sensors/actuators, among others.
3. The goal is to ENCOURAGE LEVERAGING of composite materials research resources through joint research between participants and writing joint research proposals.