Nanotechnology Congress & Expo

Start Date Aug 11, 2015
End Date Aug 13, 2015


OMICS Group invites all the participants across the globe to attend the Nanotechnology Congress & Expo on Aug 11-13, 2015, Frankfurt, Germany. This scientific gathering guarantees that offering the thoughts and ideas will enable and secure you the theme “Exploring & Acquiring the advances in Nanotechnology”. It provides a premier technical forum for reporting and learning about the latest research and development, as well as for launching new applications and technologies.


Nanotechnology-2015 is comprised of 8 tracks designed to offer comprehensive sessions that address recent advancements and new strategies for development of global requirements. The objective of this meeting is to install a dialogue between industries and academic organizations and knowledge transfer from research to industry. Nanotechnology-2015 aims in proclaim knowledge and share new ideas amongst the professionals, industrialists and students from research area of Nanotechnology to share their research experiences and indulge in interactive discussions at the event.

Conference Highlights

·  Advanced Nanomaterials

·  Nanomaterials Fabrication, Characterization and Tools

·  Nanoscale Electronics

·  Nanotech for Energy and Environment

·  Nanotech in Life Sciences and Medicine

·  Nanotechnology safety

·  Nano Applications

·  Nanometrology

·  Terahertz Nanoscience