2016 International Conference on Automation Sciences - ICOAS

Start Date Feb 2, 2016
End Date Feb 3, 2016


ICOAS 2016 is now accepting manuscript submissions. Prospective authors are invited to submit their draft paper to Easy Chair before Nov. 20, 2015.

Topics of interest for submission include, but are not limited to:

Adaptive control
Aerospace control
Agents & agent-based systems
Biologically inspired systems, control
Bond Graph Computational intelligence
Computer controlled systems
Computing & communications
Decentralized control
Discrete event systems Distributed systems
Process control
Real-time control
Fault diagnosis
Fault tolerant control
Fuzzy systems Genetic & evolutionary computation
Hybrid systems
Image processing
Industrial automation, manufacturing
Intelligent control systems Intelligent transportation systems Linear systems
Micro and nano-systems
Modeling & simulation Neural networks
Networked control systems
Non-linear systems
Petri nets
Power systems
Predictive control
Education & training
Embedded control systems
Renewable energy and sustainability
Robust control
Spectral estimation
Swarm robotics
Unmanned systems
Virtual reality
Wireless sensor networks