9th Nano Congress for Next Generation

Start Date Jun 27, 2016
End Date Jun 29, 2016


On this auspicious occasion, OMICS International inviting the participants from all over the globe to take part in the 9th International Conference on Nano Congress for Next Generation  at Valencia, Spain during June 27-29, 2016.

The theme of the conference “Exploring Advancements in Nanotechnology” highlights the interdisciplinary nature of Nanotechnology. Scientific Tracks designed for this conference will enable the attendees and participants to learn extremes.

Importance& Scope:

The field of nanotechnology have not only helped the development in different fields in science and technology but also contributed towards the improvement of the quality of human life to a great extent. All this has become possible with the different discoveries and inventions leading to the development of various applications. The core aim of Nano Congress 2016 conference is to provide an opportunity for the delegates to meet, interact and exchange new ideas in the various areas of Nanotechnology.

Why to attend?

Nano Congress for Future Generation tiles a platform to globalize the research by installing a dialogue between industries and academic organizations and knowledge transfer from research to industry. Nanocongress-2016 aims in proclaim knowledge and share new ideas amongst the professionals, industrialists and students from research areas of Nanotechnology and Materials Science to share their research experiences and indulge in interactive discussions and special sessions at the event.

Target Audience:

  • Eminent Scientists/Research Professors,
  • Junior/Senior research fellows,
  • Students
  • Directors of companies
  • Engineers
  • Members of different Nanotechnology associations.