2017 International Conference on Mechanical, System and Control Engineering (ICMSC 2017)

Start Date May 19, 2017
End Date May 21, 2017
Event Type Conference
Subject Area Environment Polymer - Nanocomposites New energy - Renewable energy Environment


1. Control systems and mechanical engineering
2. Acoustics and noise control
3. Aerodynamics, applied mechanics and control systems
4. Automation, mechatronics and robotics
5. Automobiles and automotive engineering
6. Biomechanics and biomedical engineering
7. Body and chassis development
8. Composite and smart materials
9. Compressible flows
10. Computational mechanics and techniques
11. Driver/vehicle interface, information and assistance systems
12. Dynamics and vibration
13. Energy engineering and management
14. Engineering materials fatigue and fracture
15. Fluid dynamics, fluid mechanics and machinery
16. Fuels and combustion
17. Instrumentation and control
18. Internal combustion engines
19. Machinery and machine design
20. Manufacturing and life cycle engineering
21. Manufacturing and production processes
22. Material science and processing
23. Mechatronics and mechanical design
24. Mechanical power engineering

25. Nanomaterial engineering
26. New and renewable energy
27. Non-destructive evaluation
28. Nonlinear dynamics
29. Pc guided design and manufacture
30. Plasticity mechanics
31. Pollution and environmental engineering
32. Power-train solutions
33. Powertrain technology
34. Precision mechanics, mechatronics
35. Production technology
36. Quality assurance and environment protection
37. Resistance and propulsion
38. Resources and ecology
39. Robotic automation and control
40. Simulation and testing
41. Structural dynamics
42. System dynamics and simulation
43. Textile and leather technology
44. Transportation challenges in emerging markets
45. Vehicle design and manufacturing
46. Vehicle dynamics and intelligent control systems
47. Vehicle safety