International Congress of Technology, Management and Social Sciences-17(ICTMS-17)

Start Date Jul 15, 2017
End Date Jul 16, 2017
Event Type Congress
Subject Area Social sciences


  • Air Pollution
  • Enviromental Planning and Managment
  • Physical and Checimal Treament Process
  • Solid Wastes
  • Atomospheric Diffusion
  • Biolgoical Treatment Process
  • Enviromental Toxicology
  • Thermodynamics
  • Fluid Mechanics
  • Control of Toixc Gases
  • Ground Water Pollution
  • Water and Wastewater Treatment
  • Emerging Contaminants
  • Hydrology
  • Engineering Mathematics
  • Industrial Air Pollution
  • Water Pollution Control
  • Environmental Economics
  • Noise Pollution Control
  • Environmental Engineering
  • Catalysis
  • Geology,Eather and Environmental Science
  • Mathematical and Statistical Sciences
  • Chemical Sciences
  • Computational Modeling
  • Green Technology
  • Medical Sciences
  • Engieering Sciences
  • Innovation and Science and Engineering Education
  • Nanotechnology
  • Food, Agriculture and Veterinary Sciences
  • Phycsics and Mathematical Sciences