Nanotechnologies. Vocabulary. Part 12: Quantum phenomena in nanotechnology

Standard Number NTC-ISO-TS 80004-12:2019
Organization Colombian Institute of Technical Standards and Certification
Level National
Category Terminology | Vocabulary | Definition
  • SEP 2019 Published

This part of the NTC-ISO / TS 80004 standard lists terms and definitions relevant to quantum phenomena in nanotechnologies. All of these terms are important to technologies, but it is noteworthy that many of them are not exclusively relevant to the nano scale and that they can also be used up to a point to refer to larger scales. The list of terms presented is not intended to exhaustively cover the entire spectrum of quantum concepts and phenomena in nanotechnology. It covers important phenomena already known to many stakeholders from academia, industry, etc. This part of the NTC-ISO / TS 80004 standard aims to facilitate communication between organizations and individuals in the industry and those who interact with them.