Nanotechnologies — Aerosol generation for air exposure studies of nano-objects and their aggregates and agglomerates (NOAA)

Standard Number ISO/TR 19601:2017
Organization International Organization for Standardization
Level International
Category Test Method | Characterization | Measurement
  • JUN 2017 Published
ISO/TR 19601:2017 describes methods for producing aerosols of nano-objects and their aggregates and agglomerates (NOAA) for in vivo and in vitro air exposure studies. The purpose of ISO/TR 19601:2017 is to aid in selecting an appropriate aerosol generator to fulfil a proposed toxicology study design. ISO/TR 19601:2017 describes characteristics of aerosol generation methods, including their advantages and limitations. ISO/TR 19601:2017 does not provide guidance for aerosolization of specific nano-objects.