Overcoming the challenges to synthesising iron–sulfur proteins outside the glovebox

Date 29th, Aug 2023
Source Tokyo Institute of Technology - Organizations and Universities Websites


Fe–S clusters, which are a part of Fe–S proteins, are found across all forms of life. They play a significant role as biological cofactors—helper molecules that assist these proteins in different biochemical transformations—that are involved in respiration and metabolism. These clusters are of keen research interest since they are considered to be a critical part of evolution. They serve as a link between pre-biotic chemistry (chemical processes that existed prior to the emergence of life forms) and the complex molecular and biological systems we know today. Put simply, they might be one of the primitive catalysts that led to the emergence of life on Earth. Thus, having convenient methods to synthesise Fe–S proteins will hopefully advance our understanding of young Earth biology and help us answer the ultimate question of the origin of life.