Early study into 16:8 intermittent fasting suggests weight loss benefits

Date 20th, Jun 2018
Source New Atlas - Scientific News Websites


Various intermittent fasting schemes have recently been slipping into the perilous realm of "fad diets" but a compelling, growing body of scientific research is starting to suggest that some kind of controlled fasting pattern could have beneficial health and weight loss effects. New research from the University of Illinois at Chicago has examined a form of time-restricted eating known as the 16:8 diet and the small study has found it could indeed be an effective form of weight loss... Continue Reading Early study into 16:8 intermittent fasting suggests weight loss benefits Category: Health & Wellbeing Tags: Diet Obesity University of Illinois Weight Loss Related Articles: Two-way LEDs could turn screens into touchless chargers Now graphene can even help hunt down cancer New research hints at Earth's inner core having its own inner core Exercise can beneficially alter the composition of your gut microbiome I'll take the corn-colored Kool Aid please Are the bubbles in your soda making you hungry?