Gas treatment lets wetsuits retain body heat 3 times longer

Date 19th, Jun 2018
Source New Atlas - Scientific News Websites


A couple of years ago, researchers from MIT created a beaver fur-inspired material that could be used to produce warmer wetsuits. Now, a different group of MIT scientists have devised a process that lets existing wetsuits retain body heat three times longer than normal... Continue Reading Gas treatment lets wetsuits retain body heat 3 times longer Category: Science Tags: Insulation MIT Wetsuits Related Articles: Aerogel-filled bricks are great at insulating, but not on the cheap Ceramic sponges can take the pressure – and the heat Straw homes claimed to cut fuel bills by 90 percent Orange tree waste turned into high-performance acoustic insulation Bleached-white nanowood material promises exceptional insulating properties The coreheat dry-on-the-inside wetsuit