Entanglement "on demand" sets the stage for quantum internet

Date 14th, Jun 2018
Source New Atlas - Scientific News Websites


With more sensitive data than ever being shared – and stolen – online, more secure connections are desperately needed. The answer could be a quantum internet, where information is passed almost instantaneously between nodes that have been quantum entangled, and are physically unhackable since any unauthorized observation of the data will scramble it. Researchers at Delft University of Technology have now overcome a major hurdle to that technology, by generating quantum links faster than they deteriorate... Continue Reading Entanglement "on demand" sets the stage for quantum internet Category: Physics Tags: Data Delft University of Technology Entanglement Network Quantum Computing Quantum Information Quantum Physics Related Articles: Scientists break distance record for quantum teleportation Triple entanglement feat adds new twist to quantum cryptography China launches world's first quantum satellite New dimensions of quantum information added through hyperentanglement Macroscopic quantum entanglement achieved at room temperature Quantum computers inch closer to reality thanks to entangled qubits in silicon