Magnetic nanoparticles could salvage yucky wine

Date 13th, Jun 2018
Source New Atlas - Scientific News Websites


If wines such as cabernet sauvignon contain high amounts of chemical compounds known as alkylmethoxypyrazines (MPs), their fruity/floral bouquet can be overwhelmed, resulting in an off-putting flavor and aroma. Now, scientists have used magnetic nanoparticles to remove MPs from wine like never before... Continue Reading Magnetic nanoparticles could salvage yucky wine Category: Science Tags: American Chemical Society Magnetic Nanoparticles University of Adelaide Wine Related Articles: Winemaking waste could be raw material for biofuel Embedded nanoparticles clear the way for smart glass devices USB connections can "leak" private data to adjacent ports Humans took up tools and settled into arid Australia much earlier than previously thought Smart biopsy needle helps doctors dodge the danger zone Millions of hectares of forest discovered hiding in plain sight