New CRISPR-Gold technique reduces behavioral autism symptoms in mice

Date 26th, Jun 2018
Source New Atlas - Scientific News Websites


A remarkable new study has successfully used the CRISPR-Cas9 gene editing technique to edit a specific gene in mice engineered to have fragile X syndrome (FXS), a single-gene disorder often related to autism. The single gene edit in the live mice resulted in significant improvements in repetitive and obsessive behaviors, making this the first time gene editing has been used to effectively target behavioral symptoms related to autism spectrum disorder (ASD)... Continue Reading New CRISPR-Gold technique reduces behavioral autism symptoms in mice Category: Medical Tags: Autism CRISPR Genetics Gold Nanoparticles Related Articles: FDA hits pause on one of the first US human clinical trials to use CRISPR CRISPR gene-editing tool causes unintended genetic mutations Butterfly wing patterns altered with CRISPR offer insights into evolution of biodiversity New CRISPR tools enable extraordinarily precise gene editing in human cells Scientific journal officially retracts controversial CRISPR study Anti-cancer drug improves autism-like behaviors in mouse experiments