Date 7th, Sep 2018
Source eeNews Europe - General News Websites


PDF:  Download PDFRead Digital EditionCOVER STORY: ARM : the new era of embedded intelligence Opinion : Functionalized carbon nanotubes turn everyday textiles into pressure sensors - Last word: Pay-per-Use electronic design automation Executive Interviews : Bill Hall, executive vice president of the Power Solutions Group and Asif Jakwani, Vice President and General Manager of the High Power Division at On Semiconductor.. News & Technology : Flexible Electronics – Photonics – Artificial Intelligence – Automotive – Machine Learning – Nanoelectronics – LED Lighting – Flexible Electronics – Photonics Design & Products : Microwave & RF – Photovoltaics & Energy Harvesting – User Interfaces & Haptics Reader Offer : This month, French startup Ikalogic is giving away 10 ScanaQuad SQ25 Logic Analysers' each bundled with a Trigbox, worth 115 Euros as a package Brief: COVER STORY: ARM : the new era of embedded intelligence Executive Interviews : Bill Hall and Asif Jakwan - On Semiconductor. Design & Products : Microwave & RF – Photovoltaics & Energy Harvesting – User Interfaces & Haptics News & Technology