Highly efficient cooling using a new nanoporous solid

Date 23rd, Oct 2018
Source Phys.org - Scientific News Websites


Heat recovery (solar energy, heat pump, air conditioning, cooling) is a key research focus toward reducing power consumption and encouraging sustainable development. Even if water recovery and release using nanoporous materials is a reliable strategy to achieve this goal, developing new energy-efficient processes remains a challenge. Researchers from the Paris porous materials Institute (CNRS, ENS Paris, ESPCI Paris/ PSL University) and from the Charles Gerhardt Institute in Montpellier (Université Montpellier/CNRS/ ENSCM) have discovered a new hybrid porous material that is robust and synthetized through a "green chemistry" route. In Nature Energy, they report that this new material is much more efficient than any other water adsorbent, with a high storage capacity and a lower regeneration temperature.