Researchers develop nanometer-thick electromagnetic shielding film using MXene

Date 15th, Apr 2020
Source - Scientific News Websites


A Korean research team has developed a technology to fabricate an ultrathin material for electromagnetic interference (EMI) shielding. The research team, led by Koo Chong-Min, the head of the Materials Architecturing Research Center at the Korea Institute of Science and Technology (KIST, Acting President Yoon Seok-jin), announced that it had developed an ultrathin nanometer-thick film using MXene, a new two-dimensional nanomaterial for EMI shielding. The research was jointly conducted with a team led by Professor Kim Sang-ouk of the Department of Materials Science and Engineering at Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST, President: Shin Sung-chul) and a research team led by Professor Yury Gogotsi from Drexel University.