Population (2023) : 34,121,985 (People)
GDP (2023) : 76,370.4 (Million $)
All the inhabitants of a particular town, area, or country.
It is the average number of times the nanotechnology articles published within a year have been cited in the Journal Citation Reports.
The total number of times all records have been cited: This field displays the total number of citations to all of the nanotechnology-related articles in the set of search results.
It is the average number of times the nano-articles published within the past five years have been cited in the Journal Citation Reports.
This indicator displays the h-index count and is based on a list of publications published during a 5-year period that ranked in descending order by the Times Cited count.
This field displays the h-index count and is based on a list of publications ranked in descending order by the Times Cited count. The h-index is the number of the item/publication in the h rank of the mentioned ranking that has at least "h" citations. For example, an h-index of 20 means 20 items have 20 citations or more. This metric is useful because it discounts the disproportionate weight of highly cited papers or papers that have not yet been cited.
Share of nanotechnology-related articles of total articles of a country indexed in Web of Science (WoS).
Number of nanotechnology-related articles indexed in Web of Science (WoS)
The number of nanotechnology articles published in the first quartile journals (i.e., Q1) that have an Impact Factor (IF) in the top 25% of journals of their subject categories according to the Journal Citation Report (SJR). .
The number of nano-articles published in the top 10% of the journals having the highest Impact Factor (IF) in their subject categories according to the Journal Citation Report (SJR).
Number of nanotechnology-related articles per billion $ GDP(PPP)
Ratio of nanotechnology-related articles to country population (per million people)
Ratio of share of nano-articles of a country of total nano-articles to share of articles of the country of total articles in the same period
Share of joint nanotechnology articles between one country and other countries.
Share of nanotechnology articles published in the first quartile journal (i.e., Q1) of total nanotechnology articles published by a country/organization.
Share of nano-articles published in the top 10 % journals of nano-articles published in the first quartile journal (i.e., Q1) by a country/organization based on the amount of JCR impact factor.
Share of nano-articles published in the top 10 % journals of total nano-articles published by a country/organization based on the amount of JCR impact factor.
Number of total Web of Science (WoS) indexed articles.
This entry shows GDP on a purchasing power parity basis divided by population for the same year.
Gross domestic product (GDP) refers to the market value of all final goods and services produced within a country in a given period.
The GDP derived from purchasing power parity (PPP) calculations. Purchasing power parity (PPP) is a condition between countries where an amount of money has the same purchasing power in different countries.