Location France France - Paris
Start Date Feb 2, 2018
End Date Feb 2, 2018
Event Type NanoDay
Subject Area Nanomedicine - Pharmaceutics


The Nano World Cancer Day 2018 is an event organized in the framework of the World Cancer Day (February 4th). It aims to amplify awareness about Nanomedicine and its ability to introduce new opportunities and game changers in the fight against cancer.
Simultaneous dynamic and informative events dedicated to press, students and Physicians are organized in 10 countries across Europe and beyond.
The Nano World Cancer Day offers a chance to discover the revolutions provided by 
 - Nanomedicine in healthcare:
 - Nanomedicine: disruptive innovations to beat cancer
In each country, local experts in Nanomedicine (researchers, entrepreneurs, oncologists, clinicians, public authorities, patients…) will deliver short speeches about the latest concrete and disruptive innovations in Nanomedicine and answer all questions the audience may have.