ICCE2018: 7th International Conference & Exhibition on Clean Energy

ICCE2018: 7th International Conference & Exhibition on Clean Energy

Location Canada Canada - Quebec
Start Date Aug 20, 2018
End Date Aug 22, 2018
Event Type Conference & Expo
Subject Area New energy - Renewable energy


The  7th International Conference aims to bring together leading academic scientists, industrialists,  researchers and research scholars to exchange and share their experiences and research results on all aspects of Clean Energy. It   provides a platform for researchers and scientists to share their research work while the participants from industry can promote their products . This is an excellent opportunity for the delegates from universities and industry to interact with the their colleagues. 


 - Biomass/Biofuel energy,materials and technologies
 - Hydro energy, materials and technologies
 - Wind energy resources and technologies
 - Solar cells energy, materials and technologies
 - Fuel cells materials and hydrogen energy
 - Battery materials and technologies
 - Energy storage techniques
 - Energy conversion modules
 - Nanotechnology and energy
 - Green buildings
 - Energy process and system simulation, modelling and optimization
 - Advanced power generation, transmission and automation
 - Distributed energy systems
 - Energy efficiency improvement
 - Thermodynamic and energy optimization
 - Energy education
 - Energy, Environment and Sustainable Development
 - Economic aspects of energy
 - Clean Energy Market and Finance