Building confidence in risk assessment and governance of nanomaterial innovation

Building confidence in risk assessment and governance of nanomaterial innovation

Location Denmark Denmark - Copenhagen
Start Date Oct 7, 2019
End Date Oct 10, 2019
Event Type Conference
Subject Area Safety - Social issues


The 4-day event kicks off with the caLIBRAte final conference focussed on current knowledge and future outlook on stakeholder risk perception and information needs and nanosafety data availability.  caLIBRAte also presents nano-specific human and environmental risk assessment and management tools tested in the project, plus the decision support tool developed, the NanoRisk Governance Portal.

A two-day Nanosafety Cluster Scientific Conference then follows, organised and sponsored by the projects NanoCommons, NanoSolveIT and NanoInformaTIX, focussed on the increasingly important roles of data accessibility and predictive modelling in nanomaterials governance and risk assessment.

Towards in silico nanosafety assessment – integrating experimental and computational approaches includes oral and poster presentations from Nanosafety Cluster projects to update the community on latest nanosafety research and set the direction for the next 4 years via the nanoinformatics and nanosafety governance projects.


 - Nanosafety data management tools: from experiment to knowledge
 - Hazard assessment along the life cycle of nanomaterials and nano-enabled products
 - Exposure assessment along the life cycle of of nanomaterials and nano-enabled products
 - Systems biology & mechanistic insights for nanosafety
 - Nanoinformatics & Predictive Modelling
 - Categorisation & grouping of nanomaterials
 - Tools and approaches for safe by design of nanomaterials and processes
 - Risk assessment and risk management solutions