Future Trends on Material Science and Nanotechnology

Future Trends on Material Science and Nanotechnology

Location UK UK - London
Start Date Jul 22, 2020
End Date Jul 23, 2020
Event Type Conference
Subject Area Nanoscience - Nanotechnology Nanomaterials Advanced materials Safety - Social issues Nanodevices - Equipment Polymer - Nanocomposites Nanobiotechnology


 Longdom proffers our immense pleasure and honor in extending you a warm invitation to attend Nanomaterials 2020. It is focusing on "To discover innovations and collaboration in Material science and Nanotechnology" to enhance and explore knowledge among Material Sciences and Engineering Departments and Nanotechnology Departments to establish corporations and exchanging ideas. Providing the right stage to present stimulating Keynote talks, Plenary sessions, Discussion Panels, B2B Meetings, Poster symposia, Video Presentations, and Workshops.


 - Materials Science
 - Advanced Nanomaterials
 - Nanoparticles
 - Nanotechnology Applications
 - Nanomaterials Safety and regulations
 - Nanoscale Materials
 - Materials in Ceramics and Composites
 - Scope of Nanomaterials
 - Nanomaterials Characterisation and Synthesis
 - Nanomedicine
 - Applications of Nanomaterials
 - Nanotech products
 - Nanodevices and Systems
 - Nanomedical Devices
 - Nanobiotechnology
 - Biomedical Nanomaterials
 - Nanomaterials manufacturing technologies
 - Nanostructures
 - Polymers
 - Characterization and properties of Nanomaterials